Justin Bieber Celebrates Instagram Video With A SHIRTLESS VIDEO!
: Shirtless vidz are the new shirtless selfies! Doesn't that just make you a liiiiiitle bit happier than you thought you'd be today? I THINK YES. That says, in case you missed the memo, Instagram just launched their vidz function (sorry, wine), and to honor the technological development, instead of posing a boring old shirtless Instagram selfie (likethis or this or this or this), JB posted his inaugural shirtless Instagram video! You know, a MOVING LIVE IMAGEs OF HIS ABS!! That we're legally allowed and encouraged to wtch! #PRAISE.
Watch Justin Bieber's shirtless Instagram video after the jump.
So, on to the video. A shirtless and intensely tatted up Bieber holds the camera out in front of him, and talks to his Belibers about Instagram video. There's someone else in the room telling him to stop, but NO! It's TOO SEXY! Justin knows what his Belibers want, and says he's "gonna keep going." And "keep going" he does, for what is probably now the best 15 seconds of every Belieber's life. So, sit back, relax, grab a tub of lightly buttered low-calorie popcorn, and let the good times roll! And, if we may suggest, you should also try and count Justin's packs. Literally, just try. It's such a fun game.